Whew - back for a few days

It's the busiest time of the year for me. Conferences abound, have to finish posters, and create presentations for classes and elsewhere. I have another few days in between trips, but plenty to write about.

There was a large gathering of family members this weekend to celebrate my grandfather's 80th birthday. It was nice to see so many in attendance! I got a lot captured on video, but haven't taken the time to figure out how to transfer that here... yet.

The mystery party was a hit! A bit difficult for so many that were new to it, but still a lot of fun. A group of 12 of us went to Perkins until 2am to chat afterwards. I'll create a new web site for it once I'm back longer.

Also did some work at Stanford, got to see some friends in CA and attended Bo & Laurie's wedding in Santa Rosa. Afterwards I spent 4 days at a conference in Pittsburgh. Gorgeous weather and view of downtown skyline, and learned a lot as well. Zooloretto is Michael & Smita's newest favorite board game, too. Happy And, as usual, I am grateful for my neighbors taking care of my kittens while I'm away.

Today I got to see Baxter (now named James), too. The new owner surprised me by bringing him by. TB hissed at him and he definitely looked disoriented being back at home (though he knew to go downstairs to get food!). Glad he's happy at his new home and reminds me that 2 cats are plenty. Happy

The weather is getting cold! Need to get the sprinkler system aired out...

Had 2 game nights this week - one with the usual game-night crowd (played Arkham Horror), and one with the non-game night crowd who were dismayed not to know anything about the "official" game night crowd from the mystery party. Both were a lot of fun and both had way too much Halloween snacks! I'm feeling stuffed still and no DDR to help... time to run around the block a few more times. Happy