Tech, Observations

Sharing my distractions

I have a big presentation to work on and my mind isn't there, so here's what I've picked to be of greatest interest these past few days instead. Shoulder is still very distracting, plus I made cookies tonight!

Gen.Vang Pao's Last War - Communism in Southeast Asia - Hmong People - Laos - New York Times

Why Emotional Memories Of Traumatic Life Events Are So Persistent

Kung Fu finger calls it a day | Video |

The World’s First Zero-Emissions City…In the Middle East?

The 6 Most Frequently Quoted Bullsh*t Statistics | (many of these I've been exposed to and taught were the truth!)

Fotos Tormenta eléctrica en erupción del volcán Chaitén - TERRA (Amazing photos of lightning storm caught up with volcano eruption)

XBMC For Mac: XBMC Turns Your Mac into the Ultimate Media Center (remember how I wanted to do this with my xbox, well, since that was stolen, looks like the future of HD movies on my hard drive is with the mac!) - Strange Clouds Mesmerize Japanese Airliner Crew - (apparently this is a specialized form of Mountain or Gravity Waves (not THE gravity waves, but the horrible name given to these types of cloud formations))

SCIENCE AND SOCIETY: Talk Nerdy to Me -- Heyman 320 (5877): 740 -- Science - I'm not a big fan of "The Big Bang Theory" TV show (not really a fan of any current TV show), though I always wanted something to show the reality and silliness that is/was physics grad school. Maybe I'll give it another try.