Nov 2008

Mystery party 2008 - Jeopardy in the Jungle

Thanks again to everyone who made this party such a blast! Wasn’t my best story-line as a lot was written at the last minute since during my fall travels I had much less time to write as I had planned, but the location, and participation made it one of the more memorable parties. Leave comments about this party here and view all of the other details including pictures from the link located here.


While going briefly through the drive through yesterday for lunch (and with my new student programmer in tow), the lady took my money and said “Wow,haven’t seen you in a while!” (which caused an embarrassed look on my face and a laugh by my student). I have mixed feelings about this. 1) I had not been there in several weeks since I’ve been out of town. 2) Does it mean that I had been there that often before I left or am I just that memorable? (Do I have an addiction to Southern Style Chicken sandwiches since there is no Chik-fi-lay in town?)
Prea would always laugh and sigh as she said I was the one major outlier for her research that showed the more educated one was, the less likely they were to eat fast food. If I had good company and less work, I’m sure I would be better about such things, even bring my own lunch, but I’m far from that for now. *sigh*

These 3 weeks of conferences had food accessible to me all the time. I feel like I’ve gained weight and so now am a bit more self-conscious of what I’m eating (likely a good thing). Starting on Monday, DDR every day! Happy

Now to get rid of these 5 pounds of leftover Halloween candy... maybe I can slip them into Troy & Merinda’s silverware drawer like they so discretely did to mine... Nice to write a more random blog entry! (and it’s cold and windy)

Still Alive

Just a little note to let you know that I’m still here, but have been gone for 3 weeks to 3 conferences. LOTS to report about, but planning mischief for this weekend’s adventure in the jungle.

Nice to feel good during the night of and after an election. Also “nice” to be free of predicting the correct winner of the presidency 2 years in advance (on Thanksgiving day) since 1982. Yes, I picked McCain 2 years ago and, not that he was my choice, just was my gut pick. He likely had it had he groomed Palin better (or picked Lieberman instead) and not looked silly during the economic crisis. I’m not complaining, though. Happy

Oh, and they just released a Portal expansion entitled “Still Alive” - can’t play until next week when I post all the real news and pics that you’ve been dying to read!

Oh, and just for the record, I LOVE the amazing weather we’ve had with the gorgeous colorful leaves. It’s been tremendous and now, starting tonight, the cold of late fall/winter is upon us. It was a great way to spend the first days of November!