Still Alive

Just a little note to let you know that I’m still here, but have been gone for 3 weeks to 3 conferences. LOTS to report about, but planning mischief for this weekend’s adventure in the jungle.

Nice to feel good during the night of and after an election. Also “nice” to be free of predicting the correct winner of the presidency 2 years in advance (on Thanksgiving day) since 1982. Yes, I picked McCain 2 years ago and, not that he was my choice, just was my gut pick. He likely had it had he groomed Palin better (or picked Lieberman instead) and not looked silly during the economic crisis. I’m not complaining, though. Happy

Oh, and they just released a Portal expansion entitled “Still Alive” - can’t play until next week when I post all the real news and pics that you’ve been dying to read!

Oh, and just for the record, I LOVE the amazing weather we’ve had with the gorgeous colorful leaves. It’s been tremendous and now, starting tonight, the cold of late fall/winter is upon us. It was a great way to spend the first days of November!