ultimate accident

What a difference a week makes! Last Monday I was playing ultimate (the frisbee football game), going for a long catch in the endzone, tripped hard on the long grass and fell with all my weight on my left shoulder. I heard and felt it snap. I was stunned for a bit on the ground (and I think I swore some, too). Shortly I opened my eyes to find myself surrounded by all of the players (~13 others) - felt like I should be giving orders in a football game or something. I said that it was dislocated and when asked if I could move my arm (ouch, hell no!), I told them to slowly move it up and over my head to pop it back in (which caused several to turn their heads away). What's funny is that only 3 days earlier I was on a flight to Dallas and read a short blurb in Wired magazine about what to do if you dislocate your shoulder - good timing!

*POP* Back it went. It hurt, but felt like I could use it. So I got up, walked off the field and sat and whimpered. My friend Michelle took me to the ER, did X-rays and confirmed the dislocation. Was told that most folks don't pop it back themselves, but they come to ER, get tons of pain pills and get a team of people to pop it back. Made me feel like a tough guy. Winking Sent me home and I've been semi-useless for a lot of the week. First night I awoke after 3 hours screaming in my sleep and then couldn't sleep for 3 more hours. Pain was too much. Discovered later that I fractured my coracoid process - just means it will take longer to heal. I see an orthopod on Wednesday (happens to be a research collaborator). Still very uncomfortable, but we'll see. I've gotten behind with work again due to it. Can't type for long. Was told by doc that I can't play ultimate for many weeks and am at high risk for new dislocation.

In good news, I got my first grant this week! It's from the Arthritis Foundation - a career development award for two years. I'm very pleased. I'm also off to Atlanta to give a high-profile talk (which I haven't started due to April abstracts and the shoulder injury). Had a few folks over for games/food last night - good way to cheer myself up and enjoy the coming of spring. Absolutely gorgeous outside! So many flowers and my house is surrounded by lilies - the entire neighborhood is awash in colors. Truly can appreciate the entire city during this time of year.

The ceiling of the basement is almost finished, but I'm unable to do much on it for a while. Electrical work is next, then carpet, then almost done! Happy Very behind on email - hard to type for a while - still a bit slow. Appreciative of the kitties cuddling...