crappy day

Seemed like your usual day of "recover from the weekend" - especially when that weekend was being busy working on the basement the whole time (parents drove up to help again - not yet done, but we have a few lights and electricity at last!). Also had a short get-together with some family for my cousin's HS graduation in Lincoln, had a good trip for a talk I gave in Atlanta last Friday, but got lousy sleep (arrived there after midnight and the meeting started at 7am, arrived home at 3am on Sat since my flight was delayed 3+ hours).

But today may beat all. First, was told one of my coworkers in NDB in Wichita died (she had been fighting cancer for a while), then was told that the fellow I helped recruit last year and who was to be our new "research star" now has little interest in research (a big blow), then after returning from an hour of more basement shopping at Menards, I find my car has been dented and scratched along two doors from a parking lot hit and run (easily $1K+ damage), and tonight while doing my finances I discover 8+ purchases of $600+ made fraudulently on my credit card from the past two weeks.

I'm ready for tomorrow!