In airport (3-week catchup)

Can't believe it's been 3 weeks since my "crappy day". Now that it's no longer freezing (and for the most part, absolutely gorgeous outside), time just flies!

Carpet was installed and I've been using the new home theater for a few local events. I now have a public Google Calendar (permanent link in my K... tab above) showing past and future events so friends can either plan ahead or check it when they want. Everyone who helped me with the basement gets to choose a movie/show of their choice in the new theater. Parents are coming back in mid June to help me finish it up - install 10 more lights, trim, curtains+. Should be a full weekend again!

I have two and a half students "working" for/with me this summer. Overall I'm fortunate as the two full-time students are hard working and good to work with, but it does change my work schedule some and adds to the responsibility list. Spent a few days working in Wichita - drove through a flash-flood storm along the way (and, just like the dislocation - which is still a major pain - I got pulled over for speeding along the way as I suspected would happen after I read about what to do when pulled over (see previous list of links), though only a warning (it's good to be so damn sexy Winking )). Having to get a lot done before I leave for Paris - I'm actually typing this in the airport as my flight is slightly delayed. I've done nothing to prepare for what I'll be doing in Paris (besides the usual meetings, sessions, etc). Guess I'll just wing it!

While the yard looks great - new flowers popping up all the time (currently I have a pink rose bush in bloom, plus some peaneise ?sp) while others fade, we've had night after night of incredile thunder storms. Last Sat night was the worst - sirens from 2:30-3am, tornado hit a few miles away and we lost limbs, trees and power lines around the neighborhood. The worst is that I now have water collecting on the unfinished part of the basement - scared of what may be happening on the theater side! Got a new dehumidifier to help out (the kitties were taking too much time in walking through the water puddles, drying off upstairs, rinse, repeat).

Speaking of the kittehs, QBert hurt herself 10 days ago during the first marathon Heroes showing. After several days of guilt-by-others and watching her limp around (I suspected nothing was broken, but there was the uncertainty that it broke and was healing wrong), I took her to the vet, only to be told (after many xrays) that nothing was broken and that I should just let her limp and heal. Still not used to the expense of city vets.

Yesterday was my annual clothing purchase day. It's nothing official, but I rarely go shopping for clothes, and when I do, I get a lot - often to last me for the year. The bad thing is that these stores don't have carts (and the extra sad thing is that I usually need one!). Needless to say, I'll be sporting the latest in US fashion while walking and being rained on in Paris this week. Happy As for the credit card debacle from last month - still finding new fraudulent purchases. Items that didn't reach me until I got the paper statement (don't know why they weren't listed online) - the crook easily charged over $1K in online purchases, but nothing over $100 (maybe that triggers a flag?). Also makes me question the online places I made purchases this spring - maybe that good deal on the surround speakers made this possible?

Ok, they're herding us up for boarding - off for now!