Bowling for Easter Eggs!

OK, the last time I can positively remember bowling was at the Thai restaurant/Palo Alto Bowl circa 1998 (yes, feel free to correct me if 1) this was my imagination from eating there with George, Aron, Tarek & co or 2) if you bowled me with me more recently). So when offered the opportunity to compete in America's favorite participation sport with relatives I rarely see, how could I say no? OK, I could have said no, as I recall being very bad at bowling. So bad that I once got last place (score of 51) out of the entire KU marching band and I was the only one sober (this was when they were "recruiting" three of us from Haven High (Corey & Jason may not recall as much of that night Winking )).

Yes, I'm building this up because after all this time (and only 3 throws on Wii Bowling), I got the highest score of our 6-member group! Yeah, for those that know me, this will be hard to believe so I've included a pic for proof (I'm KAL, btw). So I'm on a high from this and feeling like hot stuff and so round 2 comes around and the hard dose of reality returns. From 134 to 77 - I have a ways to go still, but for one moment there - on top of the world! Winking Thanks to the family gang for making the night so much fun (Justine, Chris, Emily, Kendra & Kortney) and to those that made the day a hoot, too!

Will have to add more pics later, but Kendra had this power swing that made me fear for everyone else's life - but more than not, she landed the ball down the run way.
